Friday, April 2, 2010

Would a Homeless Man Visit Easter Sunday?

Tonight God appointed that I meet Tom. Tom has been homeless for about 1 1/2 years here in West Seattle. He was at one point a well to do man, government job, wife, kids, homes, cars. Now he’s sleeping in a cardboard “home” close to Subway, where many homeless people are found.

I got the opportunity as a single dude without to many things scheduled and things I need to “get to” to sit down and eat some Subway with Tom for about an hour. It was one of those life-changing moments that I will never get out of my memory. I actually pray more will happen during my Subway visits.

I won’t tell you the whole conversation, but one of the things that stood out to me the most was his theme that has been ringing true in his life since becoming homeless. “Humility” was what he said, “that God nevers gives us more than we can handle.” And Tom said this with such contentment it completely amazed me. He understood himself as a servant to Jesus, as a servant to everyone else he comes in contact with (bankers, chemists, lawyers, etc). His name for himself… “a shepherd.” I was in tears repeatedly as he shared his life story, as he spoke of how he was loving others who along with him have not faired well. And yet he isn’t angry at God, angry at the world. He is “humbled.” He understands his place, that he is one small shepherd being used by the Great Shepherd, Jesus. Tom has given hope to other homeless men and women in the area, he comforted a girl coming out of her apartment in tears because she considered herself a whore.

Jesus is not just in the church-goers, the workers, the ones with jobs, like myself. Jesus’ Spirit is in these homeless men and women right here in West Seattle. Right by Subway. Jesus can’t be stopped, and He’s using His image-bearers, like Tom, you and I to do His work.

He was told about Union Gospel Mission (a ministry in Seattle for homeless men) and didn’t want to up and move tonight, but I told him that if he shows up this Sunday at my church, Mars Hill West Seattle, one of us would be more than willing to talk with him and take him to UGM if he wants to go. So, I write this post to ask you to pray for Tom, to pray how God might use Mars Hill in his life on Sunday.

I walked away changed and anticipating Sunday. I pray you have by this post. I pray you would always be accepting of the homeless in your church, even if they show up on Easter Sunday.

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