December 17th! Day 17!
Sarah and I enjoyed our night with a Christmas Party. Desserts, food, games and ugly sweaters was what filled the night. It was a great time to be with the church, enjoying gift giving and laughter. It's always a great highlight for the year!
We were so tired and not in the best spirit after coming home, but the Word always brings us back to what matters, and what is true, even when our feelings may say otherwise. I have found this truth to be real and tangible many times. The light of the Word pierces my foggy darkness and reminds me of what is true. Here in Luke 2, Simeon reminds us that Light has now come!
"'...a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel.'" (v. 32)
Simeon's quote refers back to the time of Isaiah, when he spoke of Israel receiving glory and being justified (Isa 45:25). This is true of all who are changed by Jesus. They would receive Jesus, the Light that made all tarnished things shine with brilliance, all dull things become colorful, all mundane actions flourish with meaning! He was changing everything!
He would open the blind hearts of the Gentiles and bring brilliance and color and meaning into the tarnished hearts of Israel. What was lost would be found. What was religious and stale and stagnant would be given new life and vibrancy and power. Jesus was here and He was changing everything!!
The Light of the world had now come, piercing through the darkness. He was opening the eyes of the blind, bringing light into dark minds and dark hearts. Rooms that were locked up and never touched were being opened, and the Light of Christ was shining in them. He was revealing truth to those who are stuck in lies; speaking to people in ways they had never been spoken to. He was changing people from the inside out!
The good news is this: that Jesus changes people from the inside out :-) Through Jesus, things that seem foggy and unclear can be made clear. Things that hide in the darkness, including sins in our own life, can be revealed by the Light.We can be changed from the inside out! Sarah and I have been witnesses of this truth, and we've seen it happening in our own lives. This is reason to celebrate this Christmas. The true Light has come to rescue us from our darkness!
Jesus has changed us, and He is changing others through us!
"I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in Me may not remain in darkness." John 12:46
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