Saturday, March 20, 2010

Of Community Groups and Canadian Borders

Ha! What a blast this past week! I got to zoom up to Canada to visit my sis, her husband, and all her kids right after my weekend of working overnights! I know. It's just me being crazy once again. The great thing about this trip was what God had planned that I didn't know would be in store for me. But much happened when Canadian borders and Community Groups mix!

So the story goes, I had way too much stuff in the trunk of my car (one of those important things I overlooked before trying to enter into Canada), let alone the things I had packed for the 3 1/2 days I'd be up in Surrey, BC visiting my sis Kristin. That stuff also filled the back seat of my car. So to make a long story short, and to spare you the LITERALLY 50 questions I was asked (after being asked to park my car so it could be thoroughly inspected), Canada had concluded that I was trying to cross their borders so I could set up my tent and live off their land for an unknown amount of time (oh did I mention I also had my hiking backpack stowed away in my trunk with its tent, sleeping gear, and dried food containers). If you're not laughing now, you should be.

So you could probably understand why I was asked to pull over, get the full inspection and be interrogated for about 50 minutes. All fun, and all coming after an overnight of work! Isn't God funny! Of course I share all this, and entitled my blog the way I did, because ultimately I got to talk to my interrogator all about Mars Hill, Community Groups, the Connect Group I serve alongside, the Discipleship Training Program, my brother-in-law being a pastor, my love for the church, and I'm pretty sure Jesus was in the conversation as well.

I guess at the end of the day it was awesome! I think God turned a really crazy (and yes, crummy) situation to bring forth His glory and to let this interrogator know about God's church and God's people, and that I'm just one crazy dude who loves God and was trying to "make it look like" I was moving to Canada. It reminds me of Peter's exhortation: " your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect" (especially to Canadian interrogators, emphasis mine) (1 Pet 3:15).

In the end God was gracious, as the interrogator graciously still let me into Canadia (of course after a phone call to my sisters to verify my whole story), I got to spend three crazy days with all 6 of my crazy nieces and nephews, and I got to spend some sweet time with my sister, Kristin and her husband Bryan. I can't wait to visit again, though I think I've learned a valuable lesson about packing for trips to Canada: LESS IS MORE!

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