Monday, March 1, 2010

Thank You Lord for Sickness and Overnights

Interesting title for my post tonight (or should I say this morning)! Well, it is completely true. This week was filled with a cold that wouldn't leave me and an overnight that was one of the worst I can remember. And yet, I thank the Lord. What?? I have to, as I laugh inside, cause ironically this blog was created for these exact things in mind. In my weakness, His glory is made perfect! In my weakness His strength can shine through!

I thank the Lord mostly because during my sickness and during these overnights I have had much time to talk with Him and think things through about where my life is going, what passions I have, who I am in Christ and how God has made me tick. Crazy how some of these questions I've never asked of myself, or asked in such particular ways and in this season of my life (which I'll never have again!). Of course God has a timing for everything, and it seems His timing for me to evaluate these things is NOW :-) And He is timely, as I have the opportunity now, with long overnights and a few restful days during the week to step back and evaluate where He has brought me thus far and where I need to keep moving ahead, by faith and only by faith! You know, the working ON your life part, and not always working IN your life. I've always been good at the latter and not so much with the former.

So, yeah. Has sickness and overnights been a rough going? This is certain! Is God bigger and better and sovereign over all these things? More so!! So what have I to complain about? What have I to be anxious or fearful about? Absolutely nothing. If anything, I can rejoice! I have a glorious Savior, Jesus and a glorious God and Father. I am a child of the King and am deeply loved and cherished by Him. And the story of my life unfolding is not about me as the climax (what a huge burden to not carry), but ultimately is about me standing with Jesus in heaven beholding His very glory! (John 17:24)

So, Jesus... may You be seen strong in my weaknesses. May I not go to despair, but hope in what You are caring out through me, Your servant. May I receive the greatest joy in all of life knowing you are being glorified, and I get the privilege of giving you all glory.

1 comment:

  1. Love you Paul! I know you never thought you would work a "night job" again...but I am so thankful for how God is encouraging your heart and stretching you and that you are trusting in His plan and knowing it is for your good!!! Love you dear brother...and still waiting for you to come and visit!:) tee-hee
